To download the fee structure of Shreeja College, Dehradun please provide the requested information in the form below, and click on “Download Fee Structure” to start downloading fee strucutre.


Fee Payment Criteria

  • All additional fees must be paid upon admittance.
  • For the convenience of underprivileged members of society, tuition can be paid in two installments.
  • If the fee is not paid by the due date, a daily penalty of Rs 50 will be levied.
  • If a student’s identity card is misplaced, an extra Rs. 200 will be charged for a new card.
  • The total Charge must be paid upon admittance.

Payment Deposit Modes

The fee can be paid in cash or by check at any Bank of Baroda branch.

Name: Shreeja College

A/C No: 58930100001057

IFS Codification: BARB0AJABPU

Branch: Bank of Baroda, Ajabpur Kalan, Dehradun